Friday, October 11, 2019

How to Juice Vegetables and Fruit With a Blender

A blender, through its whirling high speed blades, is made to liquefy food. Unlike a juicer, a blender does not divide foods juice from its pulp. If making juice with a machine you do not want to solely or mostly mix food like bananas that do not have much juice. Instead, try blending mixtures of vegetables and fruits that contain higher levels of juice so that the blended outcome is not mushy. Green vegetables and pineapples are best foods to juice in a blender. You can also include a bit of water to the food, while blending to maintain a best liquid form.

Follow these steps for how to make fruit juice with a blender:
Before juicing, fully wash all vegetables and fruits. Use a produce scrubber or brush to clean the skin of any vegetable or fruit that will not be removed before blending. Get rid of inedible, thick skins or peels from fruits like bananas, pineapples or oranges.

Cut the vegetables and fruits into manageable sized pieces. Little pieces of vegetables and fruits will not strain the blenders motor and blades and will support the unit run more perfectly.

Remove any big pits or seeds like those found in papayas, cherries, apples, oranges or apricots. If wanted, run fruits that have little seeds like blackberries, raspberries or strawberries, through a strain to partially get rid of some seeds.

Slowly include the vegetable and fruit pieces to the machine. Do not include too many pieces at once. The units motor should not be overtaxed. Mix the vegetables and fruit to your wanted consistency.

If desired, after blending, and depending on the type of vegetables and fruit that are being blended, pour the blended juice via a strainer to further remove pulp, seeds and fiber.

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